Never stop questioning

the important thing is to not stop questioning einstein candie bandita brick lane london street art.jpg

“The important thing is to not stop questioning” - Albert Einstein

This Brick Lane mural immediately made me think about one of the most important skills in coaching: QUESTIONING.

My job as a coach is to ask you questions. It will help you clarify your thoughts and feelings. It will challenge your self-limiting beliefs. It will prompt you to tap into your gut feeling to find the answers to your problems. Ultimately it will help you get to the solution and find the next steps in your journey.

Here are some great questions you can ask yourself when facing a challenge:

  • What does my intuition tell me?

  • If I could do what I want tomorrow, what would it be?

  • What is holding me back?

Quote by Albert Einstein

Street art by Candie Bandita from Girls on Top Crew

October 2018

London, Brick Lane