Jane’s Coaching journey

Helping a small business owner clarify her goals and increase her business confidence and visibility

My name is Jane Walker and I set up my business Walker Websites in 2007. I work from home in Highams Park, London, creating unique websites that are fast loading, mobile-friendly and search engine friendly. 

Before the coaching sessions, I did not have a clear picture of my business goals and objectives or how to get there. I was not sure what to expect from the coaching but I was keen to move my business forward and hoped that it would help.

I found the coaching sessions to be a positive experience, relaxed and also focused. Catherine is skilled in asking the right questions to explore possibilities together. We had 6 x one hour sessions, with time in between each session to implement suggestions. One of the tools I found particularly useful was her Business Model Canvas sheet which helped me look at things such as types of customers, value propositions, key activities, revenue streams, partners and so on. She also helped with my networking pitch, what to charge and include in my services, customer relationships and much more.

The coaching sessions definitely helped with my business confidence, defining goals and aims, and deciding which actions to take to have the most effect on achieving them. I would definitely recommend People at Heart Coaching, it was just what I needed to achieve clarity and make informed decisions towards achieving my goals.

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